Teachers College Diploma
Teachers Training Certificate
Bachelor of Education
Contact details
E: gloria.takuira@wananga.ac.nz
E tio te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e korihi te kokako
There is strength in diversity
Ko Gloria Tākuira tēnei e mihi atu nei ki ngā ākonga, kaiako, whānau katoa puta noa i te motu. He uri tēnei no Te Arawa, Ngapuhi hoki.
Nei rā te mihi ki a Waikato-Tainui me tō rātou kaha ki te manaaki mai i a māua ko taku kōtiro mō ngā tau maha. Me mihi ka tika ki a rātou ki te whakatipu taku reo Māori me te whakawhānui i taku māramatanga i te ao Māori. He mihi mutunga kore.
Ki ngā rōpū me ngā tāngata e kaha ana ki te whakapau werawera mō ngā tamariki mokopuna Māori, otirā ngā tamariki katoa o te motu. Ka nui te mihi.
Prior to working for Te Āwheonui, a team who deliver Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy (CR and RP) in schools, kura early learning services and across kahui ako, I was a primary teacher in both English and Māori medium settings. In 2000 I was invited to participate in an Education Review Office (ERO) training programme for the Maori medium team Te Uepū-ā-Motu. The insight into evaluation was the impetus to participate on a national level to make a difference in education.
Although, my place of comfort is in Māori medium settings, having engaged in this work of CR and RP I have found myself ‘stretching’ my practice and knowledge across known and unknown contexts for learning in English medium settings. National strategies of Kahikitia, Tau Mai Te Reo Māori and deeper connections of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the most recent Unteach Racism contribute to my theory of change in school settings.
I bring the professional knowledge and experience to support kōhanga reo, kura/wharekura and early learning services in the following areas:
Cultural Competency
I can support learning communities and clusters to:
- Develop culturally responsive and relational pedagogy
- Support the development of reo
- Grow evaluative capacity
- Critically self-reflect on learning programmes, policies, processes, and relationships with learners
- Co-construct evidence based, culturally responsive plans to support forward developments
- Engage with whānau, hapū and iwi in meaningful ways ‘na Māori, mā te Māori, ki te Māori’
- Co-design internal evaluations and/or frameworks that are responsive to Māori
Change leadership
I can support learning communities and clusters to:
Guide and support school wide developments to evaluate, strengthen, and align practices of improvement across identified educational priorities- Support the development and implementation of ‘Tau Mai Te Reo’ – Māori language in Education – in both English and Māori medium settings
- Support understanding related to the implementation of the Education Council ‘Our Code, Our Standards’, particularly Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Code of Professional Responsibility, and Standards for the Teaching Profession.
- Evaluate pedagogical practices that focus on outcomes for learners
- Support leadership with ERO evaluation and evaluation changes
Professional Learning
I support professional learning as it is an opportunity to grow my knowledge
Courageous Conversations – skills to recognise the impact of racism in Aotearoa- Kaitiaki Te Aho Matua – working collaboratively with the guardians of Te Aho Matua
- Poutiria te Aroha – the value and place of ‘aroha’ to deepen understanding in different settings
- Early Learning Methodology – Akanuku, Akarangi

Gloria Takuira (pictured)
Whakapā mai
Contact us
Hine Waitere
- Phone: 027 369 5087
- Email: hine.waitere@wananga.ac.nz