Master of Indigenous Studies and Master of Māori Studies

The two master's degrees provide a friendly and supportive learning environment for students through the mixed delivery model which includes, online lectures, one-on-one lecturer-student tutorials, workshops, and Wānanga.

Students may pathway on to the Master’s degree via the postgraduate certificate (having completed 2 approved level 9 papers) and/or the postgraduate diploma (having completed 4 approved level 9 papers).

After completing a minimum of four papers either part time or full time, students opt for either a dissertation or thesis. This is the exciting time in a master’s degree where students are often completing research on a topic close to their hearts – it might be to do with their hapū or iwi; the school they teach in; or a social service, health or community issue. Alternatively, your thesis might have a business, economic, art or environmental focus.

Every year an increasing number of our students also choose to write their thesis in te reo Māori. This is expanding the depth and breadth of Māori literature across all subjects – in te reo.

There are 8 options available in the two master's degrees (Master of Māori Studies and Master of Indigenous Studies). These enable students to study and research fields such as Māori Studies, Environment, Māori Performing Arts, Business, Health, Creative Arts, Indigenous Studies and Education


The master's programme takes at least two years (and no more than six years part-time).  Students can choose between the following options:

  1. four papers (120 credits) and a thesis (120 credits)*; OR
  2. six papers (180 credits) and a dissertation (60 credits)**; OR
  3. seven papers (210 credits) and a research project (30 credits)**

including 30 credits from IHI803 (Research Methods and Methodologies) and in the case of 3, a further 30 credits from IHI806 (Selected Topic).

* This option will lead to the PhD programme offered at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

** These two pathways can lead only, in the first instance, to the Professional Doctorate offered at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

Visit the Careers NZ website for more information on this qualification.

From time to time a paper may be offered part-time across two semesters. See annual semester offerings.

Cross credit application

If you have completed any papers at Level 8 these may be considered for cross-credit in to the programme. Only papers to the value of 60 credits can be cross-credited. When enrolling please indicate if you wish to apply for a cross-credit and an application form will be sent to you.

Online activities

Courses have an online element through eWananga LMS, so access to a laptop and internet connection is needed for postgraduate study.


Commencement and venue of all papers may change and is conditional on achieving required student enrolment numbers and geographical location of students.

Start Date
Sem 1: 05 Feb to 24 Jun 2024, Sem 2: 08 Jul to 25 Nov 2024
40 weeks per year, 20 weeks per semester
Blended learning including noho marae/wānanga, online learning and self-directed learning
Applications Close
Applications close
Sem 1: Feb 2024, Sem 2: Jul 2024
Campus Location
Noho are delivered in Whakatāne
View link for details
Pathway to
View link for details
2024 Tuition fees: $1602.00 (per paper or research project), $3208.00 (Dissertation), $3898.00 (Thesis). Note fees are updated annually

2024 course offerings have been confirmed!

Thesis (120 credits)

The thesis embodies the results obtained by a candidate in an investigation relating to some part of the subject of specialisation. Choose the discipline that relates to your topic:

  • IND800 - Indigenous
    MAO800 - Māori
    AKO800 - Education
    MPA800 – Māori Performing Arts
    MIB800 – Māori/Indigenous Business
    TAI800 - Environment
    TOI800- Creative Arts
    ORA800 – Health Studies
  • Papers marked with * indicates students can choose to enrol in this paper as a single semester course full-time, or as a double semester course part-time.

IHI801 Research Project (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

  • Description: The research project embodies the results obtained by a candidate in an investigation relating to some part of the subject of specialisation as outlined in the student's research proposal and as supervised by the Supervisor. The research project will entail a literature review, research methodology/methods and results of a research investigation. The research project shall not normally exceed 10,000 words.

IHI802 Dissertation (60 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

  • Description: The dissertation embodies the results obtained by a candidate in an investigation relating to some part of the subject of specialisation as outlined in the student's research proposal and as supervised by the Supervisor. The dissertation contains a thorough literature review, research methodology/methods and results of an extended research investigation. It usually doesn't exceed 20,000 words.
  • IHI805 Special Topic (30 credits)* 

    Course Type:  Elective

    Description: This course allows for a special area of study to be offered by a visiting lecturer or invited lecturer with a strong background in a given area of academic study. The lecturers for this course will be suitably qualified to the level of Masters. The offering of this option will depend on the availability of visiting lecturers. The visiting lecturer will develop a course outline directly related to their academic area of expertise in consultation with a designated representation of Graduate studies staff. Consideration also will be given to areas of valid demand identified among Masters students. This paper is a flexible course drawing on the experience and knowledge base of a recognised lecturer.

Semester 1 offerings


IHI803 Research Methods and Methodologies (30 credits)*

Course Type:  Core - Thesis Writers

Description: This paper will prepare students for the research component of their degree. Students will become aware of a range of ethical considerations informing future projects of research they may undertake and will develop familiarity with associated research terminology. Students complete a research proposal and ethics application in this course.

IHI808 Kaitiakitanga (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

Description: This course examines the current definitions and issues surrounding the concept of Kaitiakitanga relating to contemporary Iwi/ Māori experiences, challenges and potential considerations for current and future development options. Consideration and critique of current applications are examined in terms of relevancy and alignment to traditional cultural practices particularily as it relates to engagement with mainstream authorities including communities. Central to these discussions will be the interrogation of applied mātauranga and āhuatanga Māori mechanisms as a means of informing as well as measuring and/or evaluating current interventions relating to sustainable best practice applications of resource management.

MAO822 Te Reo o te Mōteatea (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

Description: The focus of this paper is mōteatea. Mōteatea will be examined in the reo and English in terms of its analysis, interpretation, inquiry of advanced Māori oral and written literature relevant to Mātaatua Waka; whānau, hapū and iwi-marae wānanga-mōteatea. Traditional and contemporary mōteatea contains insightful poetic commentaries, philosophies, values, biographies, prophetic identities, quotes, biblical passages, historical literature that explain complex views on a range of important and endure knowledge issues.

TOI803 Te Tapere nui ā-Whatonga (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

Description: This paper provides a post-graduate level introduction to the various methods and genre of Māori storytelling. This paper will also explore the origins and evolution of Māori storytelling and its importance to the identity of whānau, hapū and iwi. The paper familiarizes students with a range of Māori storytelling techniques, styles, mediums, and language with the aim of developing an in-depth understanding of the skill set and knowledge base required to create pakiwaitara or pūrākau (Māori storytelling or narration). This paper will assist in developing the various genres of te reo pōhewa (creative language) and its application and significance to the art of Māori storytelling.

MIB810 Advanced Māori/Indigenous Economic Development (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

  • Description: In this paper, students will gain an understanding of the complexities of balancing competing or complementary economic influences facing Māori and indigenous communities. More specifically it will examine traditional and contemporary notions of economic development, as well as relevant theory, and its application in Māori and indigenous contexts. Furthermore, this paper will provide students with theoretical frameworks and futures-oriented solutions, which will enable them to develop, apply and implement economic development models within Māori and indigenous settings.

Semester 2 offerings


IHI803 Research Methods and Methodologies (30 credits)

Course Type:  Core - Thesis Writers

Description: This paper will prepare students for the research component of their degree. Students will become aware of a range of ethical considerations informing future projects of research they may undertake and will develop familiarity with associated research terminology. Students complete a research proposal and ethics application in this course.

IHI812 Mana Wāhine Leadership (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

Description: Students in this paper will undertake research where Māori women’s leadership contributes to Māori and Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination. Mana Wāhine underpins Māori women’s leadership theories, principles and practices. ‘Herstories’ are used to examine Māori women’s discourses of mātauranga wāhine, tikanga Māori, the politics of difference and diverse realities that affirm Mana Wāhine leadership.

IHI813 Contemporary Māori/Indigenous Policy Development (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

Description: This paper will critically examine and critique the conceptual frameworks and applications of policy development across a range of settings and experiences as it relates to Māori/Indigenous advancement. Moreover, this paper will provide students with culturally appropriate theoretical and practical policy frameworks for successful engagement within Māori/Indigenous best practice organisational settings.

IHI806 Selected Topics (30 credits)

Course Type:  Elective

Description: This course enables students to study in-depth selected topics from the field of Indigenous Studies or Māori Studies through a programme of readings, seminars and directed research. Students will be supervised by a lecturer in whose area they are studying. The student will produce a research-based project as part of their assessment. 

MAO815 Advanced Study of Mātauranga Māori (30 credits) 

Course Type:  Elective 

Description: This course incorporates the notion of knowledge in its broadest sense, as it is associated with the many cultures of Māori/Indigenous communities, past and present. Research and analysis will be centred on defining the concept of the term Mātauranga Māori and the examination of its characteristics with emphasis on changes in perception over time. 

REO803 Tā Te Māori Rangahau Kōrero (30 credits)*

Course Type:  Core - Te Reo Māori Thesis writers

Description:  Ko te ngako o te kaupapa nei he wānanga i ngā tūāhuatanga o te rangahau mō te hunga kei te tuhituhi ki te reo Māori, kei te whai hoki i te tirohanga Māori.  Ka āta tirohia te āhua o ngā putunga rangahau a te Māori, mō te Māori anō, i tuhia ki te reo Māori, i whāi rānei i ngā tikanga a te Māori hei huarahi rangahau mā rātou e mārama ai te āhua o tā te Māori tāna rangahau kōrero.  Ko te tikanga ia he āta wānanga i ngā whare kōrero, i ngā marae kōrero, i ngā pātaka kōrero o te Māori, ngā āhuatanga i kīia ai te Māori he iwi whai tikanga, he kawa anō ōna hei āhuatanga rangahau māna.  Ka mutu ko te reo Māori te tāhuhu o te kaupapa nei.  Māna e kōkiri, māna anō e hua ai te ora o te mātauranga, o te wānanga, o te rangahau ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama.

Related programmes

The Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Mental Health and Addiction Counselling and the Postgraduate Diploma in Māori Performing Arts are pathways that can lead into our Masters programmes.

Ngā tauira o Awanuiārangi

Here from graduates of our Masters programmes

Tomo mai ki Awanuiārangi

Experience Awanuiārangi

Whakapā mai/Contact us

School of Indigenous Graduate Studies
Head of School - Professor Mera Penehira & International Programme Co-ordinator
Assoc. Prof Miriama Postlethwaite
National Programme Co-ordinator - Indigenous Graduate Studies
Professor Alison Green
National Programme Co-ordinator - Indigenous Graduate Studies
Awanui Perese
Academic Administrator - Indigenous Graduate Studies

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