Bachelor of Health Science Māori Nursing

Te Ōhanga Mataora: Bachelor of Health Sciences Māori Nursing

Pursue a career in Nursing with a focus in Māori Nursing, making a difference in caring for people in your community.  This Nursing degree is delivered with a kaupapa Māori focus including pastoral support throughout your study journey.
  • This nursing programme is accredited by the Nursing Council of New Zealand and New Zealand Qualifications Authority. It prepares students for registration as a nurse with a focus on primary health care and community development, but not to the exclusion of other areas of nursing and clinical health practice.

The programme prepares students to be competent as registered nurses, demonstrating ngākau māhaki, excellence, safety and confidence in their nursing practice, and emphasising reciprocity and the sharing of knowledge.

To work effectively with Māori you need knowledge in te reo Māori, tikanga Māori and tikanga Hauora. Tauira on the programme will learn about effective delivery of health services to Māori within Māori health paradigms and tikanga Māori.

You will be prepared to deliver quality health services to Māori and other Aotearoa New Zealand citizens and meet the cultural and nursing requirements for both Hauora Māori providers and non-Māori health service providers.

This programme provides another choice in health and nursing training, education, and development. It aims to prepare graduates to become registered nurses:

  • Who are strong in their own identity and possess an in depth understanding of the issues affecting Māori health
  • Who have the ability to become researchers and leaders in indigenous health and the capacity and capability to think broadly and apply their knowledge and skills in a variety of health settings
  • With ngākau māhaki (possessing humility knowledge and effective strategies) to confidently engage with Māori and all others to improve health outcomes and status
  • Who are able to work competently, confidently and effectively with people in all health settings, including: primary and community health, secondary and tertiary levels, nationally and internationally.
  • Who can demonstrate they meet the Nursing Councils competencies and requirements for registration as a registered nurse

The programme is delivered in mixed mode including noho, lectures and clinics.  Clinical skills are delivered through the Clinical School at Whakatāne Hospital. Clinic days will be given in the Year 1 timetable.

Visit the Careers NZ website for more information on this qualification

Start Date
Years 1 and 2: 04 Feb to 20 Nov 2025, Year 3: 28 Jan to 07 Nov 2025
42 weeks per year for years one and two, 40 weeks for year three
Full-time on campus 9am to 4pm during theory weeks. Hours vary during clinical weeks.
Applications Close
Applications close
Dec 2024
Campus Location
Whakatāne, Wairoa
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First year courses

NUR500 Te Ao Māori 1

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for tauira to develop an understanding of te reo, āhuatanga and tikanga Māori as it relates to self-identities, whakapapa and whanaungatanga. Tauira will also develop academic writing and study skills required for degree level nursing study.

NUR501 Mātai Hauora 1, Health Science 1

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The purpose of the course is to demonstrate āhuatanga and tikanga Māori when considering human anatomy and physiology including the structure and function of selected body systems. Tauira will understand the science behind nursing observations and health assessment across the lifespan. Tauira will also be introduced to rongoa Māori.

NUR502 Nēhitanga - He Tīmatanga, Nursing Practice - an Introduction

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The purpose of this course is to introduce Te Raukotahi model in the context of beginning nursing practice. Tauira will be provided with the opportunity to begin to apply clinical reasoning, critical thinking, reflective practice knowledge, therapeutic communication skills and whanaungatanga in a clinical practice setting.

NUR503 Te Ao Māori 2

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for tauira to begin to understand te reo, āhuatanga and tikanga Māori as applied to nursing practice. Te Tiriti o Waitangi and key health determinants will be explored in the Aotearoa healthcare context. Tauira will develop a beginning understanding of the importance of evidence-based practice and how it can be applied in nursing practice.

NUR504 Mātai Hauora 2, Health Science 2

Course Type: Core

  • Description: The purpose of the course is to demonstrate āhuatanga and tikanga Māori when considering human anatomy and physiology including the structure and function of selected body systems. Tauira will understand the science behind nursing observations and physical examination across the lifespan.

NUR505 Nēhitanga 2, Nursing Practice 2

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The purpose of this course is to begin to apply Te Raukotahi principles in caring for older whānau and, to provide tauira with the opportunity to demonstrate effective communication skills in their nursing practice. Tauira will demonstrate beginning clinical reasoning, critical thinking and reflective practice skills in relation to concepts of mental health and wellness in their care for older whānau. 

Second year courses

NUR601 Taunakitanga mō te Nēhitanga Evidence for Practice. 

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The aim of this course is for tauira to utilize Te Raukotahi Framework, engage with various types of evidence, inclusive of rangahau, and to demonstrate their ability to source, critique and apply evidence in health care contexts.

NUR602 Tiaki i te Whānau me Ngā Mate Tautini Nursing Whānau with Long Term Conditions. 

Course Type: Core

  • Description: The aim of this course is for tauira to apply the principles of Te Raukotahi Framework within a clinical setting focusing on long term conditions. Tauira will identify and comprehend the inter-professional role of the nurse and critically examine common long term health care (LTC), pathophysiology, pharmacology, and management within a clinical setting.

NUR603 Te Ao Māori 4

Course Type: Core

  • Description: The aim of this course is for tauira to apply the principles of Te Raukotahi Framework and extend their knowledge and application of te reo, ahuatanga, and tikanga Māori as it relates to meaningful and productive lives.

NUR604 Tiaki i te Whānau me Ngā Mate Hinengaro Nursing Whānau with Mental Health Conditions

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The aim of this paper is to equip tauira to draw upon evidence-based practice within mental health paradigms and incorporate the principles of Te Raukotahi Framework within their practice. Tauira will be able to demonstrate appropriate assessment and clinical decision making underpinned by cultural and scientific knowledge.

NUR605 Tiaki i te Whānau i ngā Māuiui Hapori Nursing Whānau in Community Contexts.

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  The aim of this course is for tauira to demonstrate nursing knowledge and competence within a primary health care context. Tauira will demonstrate application of the principles of Te Raukotahi Framework, identify healthcare models and implement healthcare promotion.

Third year courses

HSM306 Te Raukotahitanga - Te Ao Ōhanga: Te Reo Māori, Tikanga and Nursing Practice

Course Type: Core

  • Description:  This course will critically analyse the principles and practices of Te Raukotahi framework within Te Ao Ōhanga (nursing profession) and in doing so will provide the opportunity for tauira to apply an in depth understanding and knowledge of Te Reo Māori and Tikanga as it relates to mahi Ōhanga.

HSM307 Te Hauora Hinengaro me Ngā Whakawaitanga: Advanced Mental Health and Addiction Nursing

Course Type: Core

  • Description: The purpose of this course is to apply Te Raukotahi principles in the context of advanced mental health and addiction nursing. The course will build upon the specialist mental health and addiction knowledge and expertise introduced in HSM210 Te Oranga Hinengaro me Ngā Whakawaitanga. This course will have an advanced and applied focus, aimed to equip tauira with specialist knowledge and skills to nurse people with complex mental health and addiction needs. A focus of the paper is on the recovery approach and the relevance of sociocultural context (including community and whānau).

HSM308 Te Huarahi Oranga Whāiti me te Oranga Whānui: Pathophysiology and Acute Healthcare

Course Type: Core

  • Description: The purpose of this course is to critique and consolidate tauira nursing knowledge when nursing people with acute health issues. This course will provide opportunites for tauira to apply their understanding of the pathophysiological basis of physical health conditions across the lifespan of people nursing. The course also incorporates nursing knowledge with associated Te Raukotahi principles in developing evidenced based nursing care.

HSM309 Mahi Ōhanga III: Nursing Practicum Mental Health and Addictions

Course Type: Core

  • Description: This course will provide tauira with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills related to nursing people with serious mental illness. A focus is on conducting assessment, decision making and planning skills within the context of complex and acute health settings, underpinned by the principles of Te Raukotahi framework.

HSM310 Mahi Ōhanga IV: Nursing Practicum Acute Health Care

Course Type: Core

  • Description: This course will provide tauira with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills related to nursing people with acute health needs. A focus will be on conducting assessment, decision making and planning skills within the context of complex and acute health settings, underpinned by the principles of Te Raukotahi framework.

HSM311 Mahi Ōhanga V: Nursing Practicum Transition to Registered Nurse Practice

Course Type: Core

  • Description: This course will provide tauira with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills related to nursing within a specialty practice area in preparation for beginning Registered Nurse practice. The focus is on making assessment, decision making and planning skills within the context of the specialty practice area.

Ngā korero a ngā tauira

Student's voice

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Whakapā mai/Contact us

Sarah Ropati
Director of Nursing and NPC Health & Wellbeing

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