Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Kōputu Kōrero a Tā Hirini Mead
Te Kōputu Kōrero a Tā Hirini Moko Mead (library and information commons) enables students, staff and the wider community to access a world-class library with a range of information services and resources.

How do I access the library catalogue?
The Library Catalogue is an online bibliography of all the items held within our Library collections. You can search the library catalogue to locate books, periodicals, audio/visual materials or other items in the library. The catalogue is also used to request or reserve books for distance staff and students.

How can the library help me?
Te Kōputu Kōrero a Tā Hirini Moko Mead (library and information commons) enables students, staff and the wider community to access a world-class library with a range of information services and resources. The library acquires resources that support the curriculum taught at Awanuiārangi with a priority to acquire resources that pertain to the Mātaatua rohe.

What online databases are available?
To access this area, you must be one of our students or staff members, and our license agreements require you to have a username and password. There are a variety of online databases available. Some contain full text publications including journal articles, books, conference proceedings or technical reports. Online databases enable students and staff access to a broad range of electronic learning support resources on a 24-7 basis. The databases may be used only for the purposes of research, teaching or private study. Commercial use, defined as use for the purposes of monetary reward (but excluding use in the course of research funded by a commercial organisation) is prohibited.

What electronic resources are available?
This section contains links to electronic resources that are useful for research.

What do I need to know about copyright?
The information in this sector will help you understand how copyright applies to tertiary students, staff and researchers in New Zealand.
Watch our video to learn more about our library services
View and download our guide to accessing library online services

click the link to view the online services guide