How is Te Rautoki a Toi: Postgraduate Diploma in Māori Performing Arts delivered?


The programme uses a variety of delivery methods and platforms:
  • Wānanga / Noho - face to face classes
  • eWānanga - online learning
  • Zoom - online classes


The two language approaches to be implemented within this programme will be:
  • Reo Rua - use of English and te reo Māori for delivery; and
  • Rumaki - use of te reo Māori for all aspects of delivery.


This programme may be offered part-time. This programme may be delivered in part (30 credits) full-time over 8 or 10 weeks.


The delivery mode for this programme consists of both ‘Directed’ and ‘Self Directed’ learning.
  • ‘Directed’ learning consists of lecturer-led noho, tutorials, and online learning via eWānanga; conducted through a combination of konohi ki te konohi and Zoom delivery.
  • ‘Self-directed’ learning is everything else undertaken by tauira in between noho, eWānanga activities and tutorials. This could include but is not limited to whānau, hapū, and iwi wānanga, and your own kapa haka practises.



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